Electric Slide – 4 wall beginner line dance – sex bomb


This is a very simple way of calling out the dance – you start with the weight on your left foot and begin with a grapevine to the right………..listen to the beat, count the beat in 8’s you will feel where it’s the right place to say 5 6 7 8 and begin with a step to the right….good luck! J



Right behind right touch, left behind left touch,


back, 2 3, touch,


Forward, touch, back, touch, turn (Quarter left) scuff!




Fuzzy Duck Slide – 4 wall beginner line dance – shaggin on the boulevard or mmbop


This one starts with the weight on the left foot – you begin by pointing out to the right….


Point out in out  close…..


Point out in out close.. (left foot)


Right heel, toe, heel, toe,


Quarter Turn (right) tap, step  slide…..




Cowgirl Twist – four wall line dance


This is a favourite in all the beginner classes – its fast but fun! J


You begin with the weight on your left foot and we are going forward with four heel struts starting with the right foot.


This is the call….


Heel strut, Heel strut, Heel strut, Heel strut,


Back 2, 3 together


Heels, toes, heels, – clap! (twisting left)


Heels, toes, heels, – clap! (twisting right)


Heels left – clap – Heels right – clap


Twist twist twist hold – step, quarter turn(which is a quarter turn to the left)  (finish with the weight on the left ready to start on your new wall on the left)